
Мономах (Monomakh)

около 20 лет ( 2005, Гнедая, Жеребец (Colt) )

Maйншaфт (Mineshaft) , 1999, (RUS)  -  Эверхoуп (Everhope) , 1993, (USA)

Тренер тест

ВладелецКЗ "Донской"


15 Starts: 6 - 3 - 2, ₽ 6 144 000

At 2: 2nd Prize Osenni (RUS-G1), Prize Osenni ( RUS-G1)
At 3: 1st All-Russian Derby (RUS-G1), Prize Sprinterski (RUS-G2), Kremlin Cup; 3rd Prize of the President of the Russian Fed (RUS-G1)
At 4: 1st Prize of the President of the Russian Fed (RUS-G1), Prize of Granit II (RUS-G2)